Thursday, March 25, 2010

Little fever today

I think they have this study down pat.. which means that they can and will find new ways to improve with each patient. As predicted, Eric had a fever today. Mild, but still a fever and they waste no time treating it very rapidly. He was back on IV with antibiotics and fluids asap. He also have developed an irritation of the throat, again something predictable.. They drew blood cultures today to try to pin-point where the fever is coming from. The results were a urinary infection. So hopefully 24 hrs and he will be feeling much better. He also received his 2nd shot of neuprogen...

I was at the hospital most of the day today. Dr. B came in at lunch time and we discussed all of these symptoms with him along with his estimate on how soon his WBC will return to normal ranges. According to Dr. B... it will take 5 - 7 days for his immune system to build back up. He says it starts very slow... and them will shoot up very quickly. His WBC must be at least 1000 before he can go home. I am estimating sometime mid-next week. Seems amazing that we are talking about maybe going home next week!!! Yahoo!! We talked about about vitamin D.. Dr. will immediately put Eric on a high dosage of Vitamin D when we leave. I can't even begin to repeat the science behind it, but in a nutshell, they have done a lot of research with Vitamin D and auto-immune diseases.. I will have to do more research so I really know what I am talking about. No huge restrictions when we get home other than being smart and keeping bad bacteria away.. Don't be around people that are sick, no fresh fruit or vegetables unless boiled..careful around grandkids and other kids with colds, dirty hands, etc... Just being cautious cause even though his numbers will be normal his immune system will take awhile before it is strong enough to fight off all those nasty bugs... I am sure we will get the low-down before we leave...

All in all, I think Eric looks good. I am anxious for Gary, Lois and Brian to see him this weekend to see what difference they notice. I see him everyday so probably not a good judge.

On that note, I am looking forward to the weekend. Saturday is suppose to be nice and hoping to go explore in the city in the afternoon.


Unknown said...

I'm not surprised to hear about the Vitamin D. After telling my doctor about my family MS history, she had recommended I take Vitamin D regularly. Had read about it in some studies.
So glad things are progressing and keep us posted! Hugs and kisses all around!

Unknown said...

Hang in there E-man. It sounds like the worst part of this is over. I hope that you guys don't mind two grandkids comming over a few weeks after you get home. I will make sure they are plenty dirty before they get there. LOL just kidding. We love the Papa and Grandma, and look foward to seeing you both soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eric & Cindy. This is Jordan & Jacon. We are hoping Eric will feel better soon. We are at Grandma & Grandpa's house now. We are playing Wii. When you feel better we will come & play bowling with you on the Wii. This is a joke Jordan wants to tell you. Knock, knock. Who is there? Mister chicken! *Note from Grandma(I don't get the joke either.)Jacon wants to play tag with Eric when he gets home & wrestle him. We miss you both lots. Hope to see you both soon. Love, Jordan & Jacon.

Cindy said...

Hey Jordan & Jacon - Eric says he can't wait to wrestle with you and play some Wii bowling.. You will have to get Grandma and Grandpa to bring you over some Saturday when the weather is nice so you can play at our park in the back yard.
We miss everyone too!
Love, Eric and Cindy