Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Numbers climbing

Thought I would drop a note during the day for a change. Seems like I never get to this blog until after 10:30 at night.

Eric's numbers are rising. Today his WBC = 0.12. Good jump, however we are now doubting that we will be home for Easter. Dr. B thought Monday was more realistic. We have to accept his estimate and he has been spot on so far... Spot on-- do I sound like a Brit yet??? As my project goes live tomorrow a.m. I have been having numerous calls a day with our friends in the UK..Plus the Chicago office is full of Brit's. I love the accent and their quirky sayings.. Sometime when Eric is up to it.. we will have to make a visit to London. I haven't been their yet and would love to go check it out...

Ok, back to Eric.. I walked in the hospital room yesterday and he is beginning to look younger!! All his facial hair, along with the hair on his head he let grow out... is falling out.. He is going to have a clean baby face very soon. I wish I would of brought my camera..
All in all things are good. Eric is doing remarkably better. His walking is good, his thinking and reactions are better. It will be good to get home and start living life again. I am sure he will have a whole new perspective on things. He is anxious to see if he can start minimizing some of his current medications.I think the pain he use to have if much less.

Life is good and we are very thankful for this opportunity!!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

14 Days and Counting

Today was day 14. It was 2 weeks ago today that we got Eric all situated in his room and he started his 1st round of cytoxen. We feel like we are kind of in this boring spell right now. Not complaining..just not much happening. They said Eric's numbers would climb slowly and then all of a sudden multiple. Well, things are very slow right now. His WBC climbed from 0.04 to 0.05.. So, now is the time to not get anxious.

Eric is feeling great. I can't wait for all of you to see how well he is doing! He now has bald patches on his head. He did a lot of walking around the unit today. Starting to get sick of hanging out in his room. I think it will be harder this week knowing that it is going to be so nice outside. 70's this week.. Can't wait...

It is Monday and Dancing with the Stars night. We brought out the Easter basket full of candy and had a little DWTS party in the family waiting room. We all think Kate G should go home. What a cry baby and really lacking with the dance moves. We all felt sorry for Tony. At least Buzz seems to be having fun!!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Small Uphill climb

It has been a busy weekend. Dad, Lois and Brian arrived late Friday night. Got up Saturday morning and the guys started installing a dishwasher and garbage disposal for Chris and Andrea. We made them stop at noon so we could go see Eric and enjoy some time downtown.

Eric was a little under the weather on Saturday. His throat was hurting alot. The way the nurse and intern discribe this is... the cytoxen breaks down and kills all your cells from your throat all the way through the other end! So what that means is there is no protection there and the throat gets sore and irrated from just swallowing. They like to get a handle on it right away with medication before it gets unbearable so they put him on morphine..small dosages but still he was kind of a zombie yesterday. His numbers fell more over the weekend. He received a bag of platlets on Saturday. AND his hair (or what he has for hair) is falling out. Right now it is primarily his facial hair but I think soon he won't need to think about shaving his head.

I think you will all be amazed at how well Eric is walking, talking and more on top of things. We really feel blessed and in awe of all the amazing stories we hear from the nurses of the other patients who have gone through this procedure. It still seems like a dream to us.

Yesterday afternoon, me, Brian, Dad & Lois went downtown. Took Brian to millieum park.. saw the bean, walked around the park and enjoyed sites and sounds around us. We got a little shopping done and then went to Harry Carey's for dinner. Brian and Adam were both Cubs fans and I thought he would get a hoot out of going there. Adam.. next time it is your turn.. Would of loved to go to game, but a little to early for the season.

We made it back to the hospital in time to visit with Eric a little more before he was ready to call it a day. That morphine kicked his butt yesterday. Today is much, much better. He is off morphine, the numbers are beginning to creep up...
WBC = Yesterday was 0.03, today 0.04
Platelets = yesterday was 8, today (after the tranfusion) back up to 21

We are still hoping to be home by the end of the week. They say the WBC will just start to excelerate at a very fast pace, BUT we are not going to be disappointed if we need to wait a few days longer.. We are just grateful to be here and want to maintain and keep Eric as healthy as possible. No need to rush things!

Dad and Brian finished their handyman work this morning. They wrapped up around noon today and we headed back to the hosptial. It was fun to see Eric in a good mood and interacting with the family. We ordered a Chicago style pizza, played some yahtzee and had a little party in the family visiting room.. Everyone left around 5 p.m. and I came back to hang with Eric for the evening.

Tomorrow we are all back to work. My project got moved and will go live this Wednesday night.. I think we are as prepared as we can be but I predict a crazy week ahead!! Starting to feel a little home sick.
Talk to you all soon!!
Love Eric & Cindy

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Little fever today

I think they have this study down pat.. which means that they can and will find new ways to improve with each patient. As predicted, Eric had a fever today. Mild, but still a fever and they waste no time treating it very rapidly. He was back on IV with antibiotics and fluids asap. He also have developed an irritation of the throat, again something predictable.. They drew blood cultures today to try to pin-point where the fever is coming from. The results were a urinary infection. So hopefully 24 hrs and he will be feeling much better. He also received his 2nd shot of neuprogen...

I was at the hospital most of the day today. Dr. B came in at lunch time and we discussed all of these symptoms with him along with his estimate on how soon his WBC will return to normal ranges. According to Dr. B... it will take 5 - 7 days for his immune system to build back up. He says it starts very slow... and them will shoot up very quickly. His WBC must be at least 1000 before he can go home. I am estimating sometime mid-next week. Seems amazing that we are talking about maybe going home next week!!! Yahoo!! We talked about about vitamin D.. Dr. will immediately put Eric on a high dosage of Vitamin D when we leave. I can't even begin to repeat the science behind it, but in a nutshell, they have done a lot of research with Vitamin D and auto-immune diseases.. I will have to do more research so I really know what I am talking about. No huge restrictions when we get home other than being smart and keeping bad bacteria away.. Don't be around people that are sick, no fresh fruit or vegetables unless boiled..careful around grandkids and other kids with colds, dirty hands, etc... Just being cautious cause even though his numbers will be normal his immune system will take awhile before it is strong enough to fight off all those nasty bugs... I am sure we will get the low-down before we leave...

All in all, I think Eric looks good. I am anxious for Gary, Lois and Brian to see him this weekend to see what difference they notice. I see him everyday so probably not a good judge.

On that note, I am looking forward to the weekend. Saturday is suppose to be nice and hoping to go explore in the city in the afternoon.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Eric's immune systme is basically non-existent today... As of the blood draw last night the numbers are as follows:
WBC = 0.08
Hemoglobin = 10.9
Hematocrit = 32.4
Platelet = 72
ANC = so low they couldn't get a reading

He got his first shot of Neuprogen and now we try to keep him free of germs and wait for the WBC to start climbing. No Mr. B today. Not sure what the scoop is.. he is either very busy, sick or in meetings. I am hoping to work some from the hospital tomorrow, visit with Eric and hopefully see the doctors. Eric still has a rash.. It has spread some, but not bad. They took him off the benedryl.. thank goodness.. Eric was bouncing off the walls yesterday. Everyone is in good spirits today.

Just played the Yahtzee game of my life.. I think I just got my highest score ever...557 (3 yahtzee's and bonus)..

Going to head out of here earlier today. Drank a latte way too late last night, couldn't sleep.

More to come tomorrow.. Hopefully a doctors report.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bye Bye Old Immune System

Sounds like the old immune system is almost gone!!! Eric's numbers have pretty much bottomed out.
WBC = .34
Hemoglobin = 10.3
Hematocrit = 32.1
Platelet = 95
ANC = .27

This is good news!! Eric has some sort of small rash going on.. Dermotolgist came in to see him today. Nothing real major.. It is funny.. The dermotolgist thought he needs to change soap.. he has been using the same soap for 20 years.. Talked to the nurse tonight and we think it might have to do with some of the new meds he was on.. ( I missed my calling!!)..

They are going to start Eric on neuprogen tomorrow. This will help rebuild those white blood cells and speed up the process. Not sure how long we can expect this to happen. Dr. B says this is when people start to get antsy. We can also expect Eric to get some sort of fever in the next day or 2. They said that when your immune system is that low, the body will fight back with a fever. Any small sign of fever they will start him on antibiotics ASAP.

I have been going to the office and working the last couple days. Been taking the train. The city is a bizarre place. It is like a whole different world. I feel like an outsider looking in. Everyone is in a hurry, going here or there. I am absorbing the sights, views, people, architecture, etc. Had a pigeon walk up to my feet today. Crazy.. they aren't afraid of people in the least. It is like we are in there way. Highly fashion dressed people on one side of me and homeless on the other. I think I have seen every nationality. I have been riding the "pink line train" not for the color (ha!) but for the convience. It is one of the above ground trains and has a stop right here by the hospital. It is pretty cool riding in through the loop. You see a whole different view of the magnificant buildings.. I am kind of an old building architecture buff.. I am amazed at all the old ornate detail to some of the buildings. Our chicago office is on the 46th floor of an awesome building on Wacker street downtown. It faces the river and the view from there is also awesome. You can see the lake for miles and the tops of some of these buildings are
crazy. So much work on some of the roof tops and people on the street don't seem to notice the beauty around them. I guess maybe the city people could say the same about us city folks.. We drive by corn fields, rivers, and open country and don't take the time to see the beauty around us... OK, might be getting to corney now.. but I did have a moment today in the hustle, bustle to wonder if all these hundreds of thousands of people in downtown Chicago ever look up to see the beauty of their city or appreciate the diversity around them???

Monday, March 22, 2010

NO more IV pump

This a pretty awesome day not having to drag around a huge pump thingy magingy. Its amazing how I have mobility with a cane and not the IV machine. It is a great feeling to be free from that thing today. I texted Cindy that I have a surprise for her. She doesn't know I am off the machine yet.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Better Day!

Today is a good day! Eric is feeling much better. He is very perky today, eating normally, we went for multiple walks, he took a shower (yahoo) and we played Yahtzee.. Best 2 out 3 and he kicked my butt!! Thought I had the last one in the bag with my yahtzee and his big "0" but.. he had enough for the bonus points so he is the big winner.. That is what I get for getting cocky!!

I think Eric is walking better, but he still hooked up to an IV machine so a little hard to tell. The nurses are amazed at how much better he is doing today. I have been reading him all your comments. He thanks you all for the well wishes and many prayers. His numbers are still dropping.. today they are as follows:
WBC = 5.72
Hemoglobin = 11.9
Hematocrit = 35.9
Platelets = 147
ANC = 5.44

Starting to get a little antsy.. The chairs and bed get uncomfortable but that just makes us get out of the room and venture about the unit.. Lots of people in and out today.

One of the nurses is a Purdue fan. She was working the night Eric was admitted. Eric was wearing his Hawkeye shirt and they have been sparring ever since. Today was fun as she was working again and everyone was watching the Purdue game. Me and one of the other nurses re-arranged Eric's furniture. He has been fighting with his recliner since we got here. I thought it was just him, but I sat in it today and it was broken. There was an empty room and we swapped furniture.

I wish you could of all seen the spectatular sunset today. It was more than fabulous.. We were all (nurses and all) watching out the west windows. I don't think I have seen anything more gorgeous! The sun was full orange, surrounded by reds and pinks.. I can't even do it justice. I hope some of you saw it as well..

Going to try to get back to the house earlier tonight. I need to tackle the new transportation arrangements and get to the office tomorrow. This is the big go-live week.... Wish me luck, say lots of prayers that I hold my patience this week, cross my t's and dot my i's and this all goes successfully!!

We are looking forward to week 2 and the recovery yet to come. Still hoping to be home by Easter!!
God Bless!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

It's Saturday!

Eric was pretty out of it yesterday. Nausea, sick and sleeping most all day. He doesn't remember me being here yesterday or anything else. I think it was a lost day for him. Today he is a little better. I got here this afternoon and encouraged him to eat something. We started with Jello, moved up to pudding and now he is eating some dinner. We took a walk around the unit. Slow but sure! He is weak from yesterday and stiff from being in bed all day.

I think we lost his cell phone. He set it on the table that wheels over the bed and I think it may have been on the food tray when they picked it up. Hopefully someone in the kitchen will turn it in. The nurse is going to give them a call.

I talked to the nurse regarding Eric's labs. Here is what we are looking for when they say we are waiting for his numbers to bottom out. White blood count 1.0 or < and the Absolute Neutrophil Count 1.0 or <. Right now his numbers are still normal:
WBC = 7.21
Hemoglobin = 12.3
Hematocrit = 36.8
Platelets = 183
ANC = 6.82

It snowed in Chicago today. Crazy weather.. It was 65 yesterday and 33 this afternoon. Last night I spent my first night at Chris and Andrea's. All went well. The cat (Poncho) and I are good buddies now. I woke up to him curled up at my feet. I slept today until noon!! Crazy, I never sleep that long. Must of been tired!! Explored a little in Cicero today. Last night when I was coming home, I stopped at a stop light. Homeless people come up to your car asking for money. He was just working the intersection. Everytime the light changed he headed to the other side where cars were stopped.. Very sad!!

We are watching a movie tonight. Harry Potter!! Not sure which one. Watched the No Iowa vs. Kansas game today. What a big win for Northern Iowa.. I assume Brad is still there. Brad - if you are reading this, don't forget to buy something nice for that lovely wife of yours.. We were going to text him but can't find the phone!! Tom - we got your message.. thanks for calling. Eric smiled when he heard your voice!! We were also going to give you a call, but can't find the phone.

Yahoo! they found the phone.. bringing it up soon. It was on the food tray. Signing off for tonight.. God Bless!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Cytoxan is done!

Eric has finished his last dose of cytoxan. He has slept most of the day. Still sleeping!! Sick a couple times today. I fixed him some toast this afternoon, but didn't stay down. I have been in and out of the hosptial a couple times today.
Was here when Dr. B. came by. Eric was sleeping. Dr. B says he will feel better this weekend and will then feel bad again as his number drop. I will try to explain the numbers we are watching.. not sure I will really understand myself yet, but we will learn together! :) Jane - if you are reading this, we appreciate your wisdom if can help explain what exactly we are looking for.. Bonnie (my daughter in-law and hospice nurse) please offer your words of wisdom as well. I am sure you deal with this stuff all the time... by the way.. Have I ever told you how proud we are of you!
Today's number:
White blood count: 9.95 Normal range: 4.0 - 10.5
Hemoglobin (part of the red blood cells that holds the oxygen) : 12.5 Normal 14.0 - 18.0
Hematocrit (percent of red blood cells): 37.8, normal 42.0 - 52.0
Platelet count (form blood clots to stop bleeding): 227 Normal 120 - 450
Absolute Neutrophil count (I think this is the one we watch closely?? - says it is a formula to determine infection fighting power: >1000=good protection, 500 - 1000 Fair, 200 - 500 low protection, <200 = minimal. Today Eric's is: 958

So now we wait!!

Today I moved out of the apartment and over to Chris and Andrea's. Tonight will be my first night there..just me and Poncho (the cat)... It is a big old house... Hopefully not too spokey!!
Looking forward to maybe sleeping in tomorrow. It has been a long week with a lot of running back and forth for me. My big project goes live a week from today and people on the team are either checking out mentally or
Freaking OUT! I will be glad when this project is behind me.. hopefully successfully!!!

Hanging out at the hospital, doing much of nothing is exhausting!!! Don't think E is going to be much company tonight, so think I will head back to the house before it gets too late.. Figure out the lay of the land before dark :)
Thanks for all your prayers and well wishes... Hopefully this blog helps keep everyone in the loop.
Love to all...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 3 of Cytoxan

Not much to report today! Eric finished day three of cytoxan. He was sick again this morning and slept alot today. Tonight is the last dosage and then maybe the nausea will stop. They try to get ahead of a nausea with medication but haven't seemed to stop it completely.

Dr. Balabanov says we should start writing Eric's lab numbers down on the calendar daily so we can watch what is going on. We talked to his nurse tonight and she will supply us that info later tonight so we can start tracking what is going on. They draw labs between midnight and 3 a.m. and then have results by 4 a.m. It will be interesting to see what happens next week as this counts drop.

I have been working downtown the last couple days. Tomorrow I am moving out of the apartment and over to Chris and Andrea's house. Looking forward to being in a neighborhood where I can run to the grocery store, etc. Not much around the hosptial.

I have changed the settings on the blog so people can leave comments. Eric would love to hear from you so feel free to drop a line or two.

Oh, Eric has a twin on this floor... We haven't met him yet, but he has the exact same birthday, same year.... Because of privacy the nurses can't tell us who.. so I assume Eric will start asking the patients up here soon. He is anxious to meet his twin!! :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Completed 2 days of Cytoxan

Happy St. Patricks Day... I hope someone is having a green beer for ME today!!

Eric has completed his 2nd dose of cytoxan and ready for his 3rd tonight. 9 p.m. is the magic time. The start his dosage at the same time everyday. Today was a little rough for him. Got sick after his shower today and slept most of the day. Nurses say the chemo is working... It is about 6 p.m. I just got back from working at the office downtown. Got Eric out of bed when I got here and we did a hotlap around the unit. He is now eating supper and looking pretty happy about it. I also brought him his favorite - carmel latte. That also put a smile on his face.

Yesterday we had a visit from Brad. Brad leads our Lighthouse (bible study) group in Ankeny. He happened to be in town for a conference, gave us a call and ventured over on the "L". Nice to see a familiar face.

Dr. Balabanov (MS neurologist)stops by daily. What a great guy! We had a long conversation with him yesterday regarding this treatment, the FDA, and his perspective on MS and MS research. I have found that most specialist don't spend much time with you or you feel rushed when you meet with them. Dr. B is just the opposite. He thought another patient would be starting this procedure very soon. He couldn't remember if he was from Mississippi or Missouri. I found that kind of humorus - like Mississippi and Missouri were close by.

Eric is looking pretty good. They give him steriods with the cytoxan. Steriods always turn his face red. So he is growing his hair out (waiting to see if it falls out) and glowing from the steriods. Infection is a big risk so they don't let him shave. Starting to look a little rough.. I am sure we will have the caveman look going on before long!!

Chicago was beautiful today!!! 60's sunshine and no wind.. We have a great view of the city and beginning to tune out the roar of the trains and traffic!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Finally Checked in the Hospital

It has been a long day!! I am typing this cause Eric is exhausted. The hospital was suppose to give us a call when they were ready for us to check in. We assumed that would be this morning sometime. I finally called the nurse (Amy) at 11:30 this morning to have her double check on things. She called back letting us know that they were trying to get a room for Eric. They were full and a couple people were checking out. Thought it would be sometime around 4 p.m. before we would get the call.. So after a few conference calls (work) for Cindy we took off in the afternoon and did some exploring on the "L". I wanted to try to figure it out before I needed to take it downtown for work.. We took off and went to visit Chris and Andrea (Eric's brother and sister in-law). They just bought a house in the suburbs and we wanted to see them and and the house. The "L" was good.. Chris and Andrea's house is good.. It reminds me of my first house. Older house with lots of character. Very nice! We are very happy for them.. I am hoping to stay there beginning this weekend. They are going to Florida with a bunch of college kids for spring break. I will watch the house, feed the cat and get the mail...

Chris brought us back to Rush this afternoon around 4 and showed us the lay of the land. We had to stop at the M.S. office so they could draw some labs from Eric. Still no call from the hospital.. We finally got the call around 5. Registration was a breeze. We got up to our floor.. but then had to wait for his room to finish the sanitation phase. Because this is the transplant floor they keep everything as sanitary as possible. We will give you the run down if you come to visit. It is now 9:45 p.m. and E is starting his first dosage of chemo. So far so good.. Will see what tomorrow brings. They say sometimes it takes a day or 2 before you start feeling bad. Hopefully he will tolerate this all well!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hi! It is day -2. Today is packing and getting stuff ready fo Chi town. I feel ready but Cindy has more stuff to get. Cindy has a tougher time getting ready because she has to pack for business atire, whereas I just pack for a hospital stay. I told Cindy I'm ready to leave now but she pointed out that we have a bball game to think about. O yea. The finals. The group of seniors have had a great year.