Sunday, March 21, 2010

Better Day!

Today is a good day! Eric is feeling much better. He is very perky today, eating normally, we went for multiple walks, he took a shower (yahoo) and we played Yahtzee.. Best 2 out 3 and he kicked my butt!! Thought I had the last one in the bag with my yahtzee and his big "0" but.. he had enough for the bonus points so he is the big winner.. That is what I get for getting cocky!!

I think Eric is walking better, but he still hooked up to an IV machine so a little hard to tell. The nurses are amazed at how much better he is doing today. I have been reading him all your comments. He thanks you all for the well wishes and many prayers. His numbers are still dropping.. today they are as follows:
WBC = 5.72
Hemoglobin = 11.9
Hematocrit = 35.9
Platelets = 147
ANC = 5.44

Starting to get a little antsy.. The chairs and bed get uncomfortable but that just makes us get out of the room and venture about the unit.. Lots of people in and out today.

One of the nurses is a Purdue fan. She was working the night Eric was admitted. Eric was wearing his Hawkeye shirt and they have been sparring ever since. Today was fun as she was working again and everyone was watching the Purdue game. Me and one of the other nurses re-arranged Eric's furniture. He has been fighting with his recliner since we got here. I thought it was just him, but I sat in it today and it was broken. There was an empty room and we swapped furniture.

I wish you could of all seen the spectatular sunset today. It was more than fabulous.. We were all (nurses and all) watching out the west windows. I don't think I have seen anything more gorgeous! The sun was full orange, surrounded by reds and pinks.. I can't even do it justice. I hope some of you saw it as well..

Going to try to get back to the house earlier tonight. I need to tackle the new transportation arrangements and get to the office tomorrow. This is the big go-live week.... Wish me luck, say lots of prayers that I hold my patience this week, cross my t's and dot my i's and this all goes successfully!!

We are looking forward to week 2 and the recovery yet to come. Still hoping to be home by Easter!!
God Bless!


Anonymous said...

Hey Eric,

Praying for you.


Jane said...

I saw some amazing sunsets while I was there. Glad Eric is feeling better!!!

Unknown said...

Glad you're feeling better bro! Just remember everyday, even the hard ones, is movement forward. The kids and I are thinking of you. They can't wait for you two to come out for Julian's graduation! I've been sharing your current journey with alot of friends. One just sent me an article from the Wall street journal about new treatments for MS. This talks alot about rebuilding and boosting myelin. An interesting piece. Congrats on the Yatzee, Eric, but you haven't played Marley yet. She's the Yatzee Queen! Thank you for putting this blog together, it makes not being there with you just a little less tough.

Good luck, Cindy with going live. I'm sure you have done an outstanding job, no worries.

Love you two!

John Veach said...

Hi Guys
Sounds like things are starting to get better, I certianly hope so. Lori and I are both praying for the two of you.
I am a little envious though Eric as soon you will have the immune system of a small child and that will be a good thing. However I get told sometimes that I have the maturity level of a small child and that's never a postive statement...

I really appreciate you keeping us informed through the blog, it certianly answers a lot of questions.

I am sure your project will go well Cindy am I also sure you are being a true delight to work around.


Tyler Boeyink said...

sounds amazing. wish i coulda been there. make sure not to let up on the purdue nurse. i give all the penn state fans out here as much hell as i can.